Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Few More Odd Jobs Done

The new shelves in the painted bathroom closet.

Then we worked at making Paul's closet two levels to try accommodate all his clothes.  It's been hard going from a walk-in closet to these much smaller closets.  Now we need to figure out what to do with Georgia's closet.

Got the shelves put up above the dryer to hold lots of 'stuff'.  The shelves were a great find at the thrift store.

Friday, December 30, 2011

A couple of small paint jobs

Paul painting the closet in the bathroom.

Painted shelves by the water heater.

A few new things around the house

The new clock we got for Christmas now in the living room. (Never mind those boxes!)

A new door bell!  That works!  Another Christmas gift.

And finally a stove that works!  It took getting a professional out to get it done, but it works now!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Another Weekend of Work with the Pusch's

Aaron got tired out and crashed for a while.

Andrew is putting up some shelves in the closet with the hot water heater.

The tall cupboard was put in place and the base cabinet.  It still needs the right countertop but it will do for now.  The tall cupboard also needed some additional shelves cut and placed inside.

All the components of the tv were hooked up and even got a Christmas tree put up.

The fake drawer fronts under the sink were glued in place and knobs added!

A new light was put up front (and the old front one was moved to the back) and we even got a wreath and some garland and lights put up outside.

The Pusch family has been such a great help to us in getting this house together.  Guess we'll have to return the favor sometime.  There were even more things done that didn't get photos.  Thanks, guys!

Trying to Get Settled In

We had some good helpers to get the majority of the larger stuff moved over on Saturday December 3.  Things are beginning to take shape and we have been able to make this our new place of residence.
The living room

Georgia's Room

Dining Room

Master Bedroom
 There are still boxes and there are still things to fix and finish, but what an improvement over the first time we saw this house!  And now it is beginning to look like ours.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Moving Day is Saturday!

Plans are to move the majority of the rest of our stuff on Saturday.  There will still be work to complete and things to move but we will begin sleeping at 813 Martinwood Lane!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Productive Saturday

Andrew, Katherine and Aaron came down for another Saturday of work at the house and we got lots done!  Thanks, guys, for another great day of work.
Katherine and I worked outside cleaning up pinestraw - Katherine cleaned off the roof!

We collected all the pine straw onto a big piece of plastic and then took Aaron for a ride down to the street to dump it all there to be picked up by the garbage collectors.

A really big hurray! - the tiles in the shower are repaired and replaced.  This was a much much bigger job than we ever would have guessed.  Now Paul has to grout it and then we can add the fixtures.

The quarter round has been added around the baseboard.  Not the whole house is done but got a good start.  It got dark too fast and we couldn't see to run the saw outside anymore.

Andrew putting up a new outside light fixture - done with the help of his great wife!

The light in the 'pantry' wouldn't work and found out the fixture had to be replaced.  Now it works!!

Put down luan board at the front entrance to prepare for new tiles.

The tiles are down - now we just need to add trim around the edges.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Moving Progress

The guest bedroom in Leeds is basically empty as moving progresses.

There are a few things in the living room at Martinwood Lane.

The 'man cave' has become the dumping ground for all boxes of things for yard sale, for attic, and for 'don't know where to put it' stuff.

The other project I'm working on is new covers for the dining room chairs.  Got the backs done - now for the seat covers.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Moving in a teeny bit

Now that the floor guy has decided he is done with the hardwood floors (not that we are happy, mind you, but he says he's done - what happened to pride in our work?), I can get back in and get to work.  I had some painting to fix in the kitchen and adding the border below the chair rail.  I had to re-paint all the baseboards as they got splattered by the floor stain.  I had to clean up all the dust (that wasn't supposed to happen because his machine had a vacuum attachment to suck it all up - what happened to that?) from all the baseboards, window sills, tops of doors, ceiling fans, etc., etc.  But anyway, I can be busy again - as well as working at packing up the old house!  Hurray for work!
Added the border in the dining room - not sure if I like it 100% or not but it will stay for now.

Moved in a couple of things in the guest bedroom!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Little More Progress in the Kitchen

Andrew made the small wall cupboard to the right to match the rest.  Didn't he do great?  And Audrey painted it.

The kitchen floor before work begins.

The layer of wood is down and glued.  Waiting for it to dry.

The new flooring is down!  Hurray!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Lots of Help! Hurray!!

We had lots of helpers this weekend to get some work done at the house.  We love having guests who are willing to work too.  It was a great Saturday!
Bill Jordan and Barry make a great team!

Audrey working to clean up a mess made by the floor finishers.

Paul helping Andrew with hinges on cupboard Andrew built.

Aaron trying to help his daddy fix the sink.

Andrew working to fix the tub area.

Paul and Bill discussing what needs to be done.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Back to Work!

Audrey and Bill have come for a visit (Hurray!) and I put Audrey to work painting, while Bill and Paul went golfing.  Poor Audrey!  Bill's turn comes tomorrow when Andrew and Katherine arrive to help.

Slow Progress on Hardwood Floors

The refinishing the hardwood floors that was supposed to take 3 days is stretching into 2 weeks. : (
And I would show you pictures but the guy helped himself to my camera.: ( ((

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Starting on the floors

Sanding the hardwood floors began today!

This room's floor had been painted white, in addition to the dirty spots, etc. so this is the beginning of getting off the paint.

And Paul began laying down flooring in the laundry room today also!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Moving Day Coming a Little Closer?

No pics today.  Just excited that the hardwood floors are supposed to get done this week as well as the laundry room floor (and maybe the kitchen floor too)!  Then I can start moving some stuff over if I have floors I can set it on.  Hurray!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Some Before And After Photos

The Guest Bedroom's original carpet and paint color (over old wallpaper)

After taking off top layer of paint and wallpaper.
Finished !

Old sink in 1/2 bath
New sink in 1/2 bath

Old look of middle bedroom
