Sunday, June 16, 2013

Exterior Painting with the Pusch's

The Pusch family came to work on completing more of the exterior painting as well as a few other odd jobs.  Aaron worked hard at 'painting' the bricks with his bucket of water and paint brush.  What a kid!!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Fall 2012
The front of the house has been painted grey and the shutters and door trim are painted dark red.  A few fall decorations too!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A few more updates

I decided to add another wall cupboard in the kitchen.  And since we've sold the Leeds house, I brought over the stuff that I'd had there on top of the kitchen cupboards and put some of it above these.  (The old kitchen cupboards go all the way to the ceiling so decorations on top of those.)

Paul began power washing the house to prepare for painting.  This shows the results of some of his work.  Some of the brick turned out real well - some you can't really tell much.  It also knocked off some old paint and hopefully, got rid of some of the dirt.

And I planted a few flowers around the chimney area.  Hopefully they'll do well.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Some 'Before' Pics of the outside

Just wanted to document some of the 'before' pics outside.  Now that the weather is warming up, it's time to start on the outside of the house.  We've begun to clear out the pine straw in the back yard - probably over 15 wheelbarrows full to the road so far (most of which gets picked up by passers by).  We're hoping to eventually get some grass back here and to get rid of the huge pine trees that drop all the pine straw and to get some flowers and color back here.
We also hope to pressure wash the exterior of the house and begin painting (before it gets too hot!).
Aaron on the patio - weeds and all.

Aaron helping fill the wheelbarrow with pine straw - Notice the ground is almost totally pine straw covered with a few weeds poking through here and there (and poison ivy).

Paul is spraying some of the poison ivy near the site of an old shed.

Doesn't show it real clear but wanted to show some of the mold growing on the outside plus the new soffits that require paint (after they put the new roof on last fall).

More of the dirty outside before any painting has begun.

Monday, January 16, 2012

One Job Done

Finally got the seat covers for the dining room chairs done.  I had to do 4 chairs in the striped pattern and 2 in the checked because when I went back to get the other piece of striped fabric, it was gone.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Few More Odd Jobs Done

The new shelves in the painted bathroom closet.

Then we worked at making Paul's closet two levels to try accommodate all his clothes.  It's been hard going from a walk-in closet to these much smaller closets.  Now we need to figure out what to do with Georgia's closet.

Got the shelves put up above the dryer to hold lots of 'stuff'.  The shelves were a great find at the thrift store.